Tuesday, November 23, 2004

PR103 Business cards not just for businesses


Does your organisation have a business card?

Whatever your organistion, whether it be for profit, a business or a non-profit, it needs to be run as a business, and in a "businesslike fashion." But beyond that, a business card is just as vital to your organisation as it is to a business. It is a chance to reinforce your organisation's image with its design. It means that your contact details can be stored with your potential clients/members, or they can use it to also store notes they have made about you. That makes it a powerful marketing tool that advertises you over and over again. But most importanatly to me, is that it gives the impression that you are professional and business-like in your operations, and that you value your organisation and its image.

For further low-cost publicity ideas, book a workshop for your next meeting or conference. Follow the link below.

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