Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Launch a FACE for your organisation

Have you thought about naming a "Face" for your organisation? This is not just for cosmetics companies, although they have certainly developed it as a marketing tool. You can do it too no matter what your organisation's role. Find someone who can speak well about what you do, preferably someone within your organisation so that you don't have to pay them fees to market for you. That face then becomes the human image of your operations. Their picture gives your prospective members and clients a person to relate to. Record that person's testimonials and use them on all of your materials. Business cards, letterhead, websites, blogs ... anywhere people are seeing your brand is somewhere you can feature the face of your organisation, and that person's powerful testimonial. They can then also attend your functions, meetings and conferences and speak there as well. This is a powerful marketing tool and one that is not just limited to "beauty."

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