Thursday, July 28, 2005

International meetings made easier

Emailing members of your organisation in other parts of the world has become second nature these days, but it is not so easy to set up a meeting when they are all in different time zones.

Here is a device that makes it easier.

Go to and enter the various cities. The website will then produce a table that shows you the local time in each city. Each cell in the table is color-coded as follows:
· RED represents nighttime or normal sleeping hours.
· YELLOW represents the second half of the day, when people are awake but not necessarily at work.
· GREEN represents the first half of the day, when most people are at work.
Search the table for the rows where most or all of the colors are green. You'll then know the best time to schedule your call.

For more tips and articles on holding successful meetings in your organisation, subscribe to our ezine.

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